Sarik Jeram

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Florida focusing on visible and near-IR instrumentation, searching for bright QSOs at high redshift, and the characterization of novel photonic technologies for applications in astronomy.


As part of my research, I work on various optomechanical aspects of the upcoming MIRADAS (Mid-resolution Infrared Astronomical Spectrograph) instrument with PI Prof. Stephen Eikenberry.


Another focus of my research is searching for bright, high redshift quasars that can be used to detect cosmological redshift drift by future facilities. As part of this work, I have used the Gran Telescopio Canarias and the Shane Telescope to perform spectroscopic follow-up on quasar candidates that were selected using Gaia and WISE photometry. In my most recent publication, we used Hubble to look for evidence of gravitational lensing in the brightest quasar identified in my sample so far.


Astronomy is an innately interesting field that captures the hearts and minds of many. Interacting with and sharing one's knowledge with the public is not just an exercise in scientific communication but is also a great way to inspire future generations of scientists.

more skills.csv

Python (day-to-day); past experience with C/C++, Matlab, Fortran, and IDL

Engineering Skills

SolidWorks, 3D printing, breadboarding, alignment of optical systems

Computer Skills

*nix + relevant command lines, Bash, LaTeX, Windows



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